Development of Problem Solving Teaching Materials Using Decision Making Problem to Improve Students Critical Thinking Skills on Temperature and Heat Materials
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The purpose of this study is to find out whether the use of Problem Solving based teaching materials using Decision Making Problem can affect students critical thinking on temperature and heat materials. In the process of developing teaching materials, the researcher uses the ADDIE method and the quasi-experimental research method with a Posttest Only design. During the development using the ADDIE method, the analysis was carried out on 3 aspects (needs analysis, curriculum analysis, and material analysis) and found results that showed that material experts with a percentage of 89.55%, linguists with a percentage of 98% and media experts with a percentage of 93.13% and are categorized as "Very Feasible". In this study, the selected population is all class VII. Then this research will be carried out in class VII C as a control class and class VII D as an experimental class. Based on the results obtained from the Independent Sample T-Test, it was shown that the average score in the control class was 48.59 and the average score in the experimental class was 81.83 with the sign value obtained was (2-tailed) of 0.000 (α < 0.05). Based on the acquisition of these data, it can be stated that the application of Problem Solving-based teaching materials using Decision Making Problem has a significant effect on students' critical thinking skills on temperature and heat materials.