International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science Education


Vol. 1 (2024): Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science Education (ICETSE)

ICETSE 2024 was successfully held in Pekanbaru, Indonesia, with the theme "The Implementation of STEM and Lesson Study in Science Education." The conference gathered participants from various countries, including Japan, Malaysia, Nigeria, Kenya, Indonesia, and other nations. The goal of the conference was to explore in-depth the implementation of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and Lesson Study in science education and how these approaches can improve the quality of science teaching and learning at schools and universities.

The specific article was published in the Journal of Natural Science and Integration, while the remaining articles were published in conference proceedings.

Published: 2024-10-04

Design and Trial of Science Literacy-Based Practicum Guide Integrated With Local Wisdom on Hydrocarbon Material in Class XI IPA

Yuni Fatisa, Ayu Nur Sa Adah, Chandra Puspitasari Nasution , Dayu Dermawan (Author)


Integration of Islamic Values in a Weblog-Based Periodic System of Elements Material

Elvi Yenti, Marini Nazliati, Yenni Kurniawati, Fitri Refelita, Kuncoro Hadi, Deprizon (Author)


Think Pair Share Learning Model Assisted By Virtual Simulation on Vibration, Wave and Sound Material: Its Impact on Students' Critical Thinking Skills

Niki Dian Permana, Sakinah Angkat, Susilawati, Diniya, Aldeva Ilhami, Muhammad Ilham Syarif, Hasanuddin (Author)


Designing and Testing Three-Dimensional Wall Magazine Based  Chemistry Learning Media

Yenni Kurniawati, Lintang Retno Anjani, Yunita Ardiyanti, Yoce Ferdiansyah (Author)


Experimental Design on Electrolyte and Non-Electrolyte Materials Based on Natural Materials in High Schools

Yenni Kurniawati , Dian Rifa Audina, Fitriana , Hidayatul Islmiyah (Author)


Development of Wordwall Web-Based Interactive Learning Media on Living Things Classification Materials to Increase Student's Interest in Learning

Mufidatus Sholiha, Farisa Aina Fahma, Atika Anggraini, Ratna Wahyu Wulandari, Nourma Yulita (Author)


Development of a Teaching Module on Classification of Living Things Based on Biodiversity Analysis at Irenggolo Waterfall

Ibrahim Bin Sa'id, Zuan Puri Winanti Puri Winanti, Eva Alvi Nurlaili, Atika Anggraini, Mohammad Hefni (Author)


Media Development The Power of Photosynthesis Game Versus Social and Science Learning Outcomes for Elementary School Students

Aziza Anggi Malyanti, Silviani Marshanda, Puspoko Ponco Retno, Novia Suryani (Author)


Analysis of the Relationships between Students’ Memory Ability and Cognitive Ability on Chemical Nomenclature.

Yenni Kurniawati, Elsa Tria Monica, Nurul Aulya Nisya, Alfi Noviandri (Author)


Development of Augmented Reality as a Learning Media to Improve Students' Understanding of Concepts on ATOM Materials

Ummiy Fauziyah Laili, Mohammad Ma’arif Ikhsanudin, Puspoko Ponco Ratno, Ardian Trio Wicaksono (Author)


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