Analysis of the Relationships between Students’ Memory Ability and Cognitive Ability on Chemical Nomenclature.
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Memory ability was needed to research relationships and teachers’ effort in increasing learning quality. The research aimed at knowing the correlation between students’ memory ability and cognitive ability at Islamic Senior High School of Al-Ihsan Boarding School Kubang Raya, Kampar. It used mixed method design. Technique of collecting the data was used in the Quantitative method through memory test ability and cognitive ability test. Questionnaire, observation and documentation technique was used for collecting the data in quality. Subject of the research was students of Islamic Senior High School of Al-Ihsan Boarding School Kubang Raya, Kampar. Object of the research was analysis of the correlation between students' memory ability and cognitive ability on chemical nomenclature. The tenth grade of Islamic Senior or amount 28 students were the samples. Purposive sampling technique was used to collect the data. The result of the research showed that majority of the students was memori ability was on “Middle” category with the percentage 46%, “High” category with the percentage 36% and the “Low” category with the percentage 18%. To analyzed the data of correlation between students’ memory ability and student’ cognitive ability that testing by using product moment correlation that was rxy= 0.491> r table = 0.388. It means that Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. There was a significant correlation between memorizing ability and students’ cognitive ability Islamic Senior High School of Al-Ihsan Boarding School Kubang Raya, Kampar.
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