Effectiveness of the Self Regulated Learning Model using the SAVI Method to Reduce Anxiety in Learning Science
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Science is a difficult subject and requires more understanding. The difficulty of science material causes anxiety for students so that it can have an impact on learning outcomes. This research aims to determine the implementation of learning and student activities when implementing the self-regulated learning model using the SAVI method. Apart from that, it is also to determine the effectiveness of the self-regulated learning model using the SAVI method to reduce anxiety learning science. The type of research carried out was quantitative, namely quasi-experimental with a pretest posttest design research design. The samples used were classes VII F and VII H. The sampling technique was through cluster random sampling. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, namely the T test (one tailed and two tailed), N gain test, ANCOVA test, and Cohen's d effect size test. Based on the research results, the self-regulated learning model using the SAVI method was implemented very well and students were actively involved in learning activities. The implementation of learning received a score of 95, including the very good category. Student activities also received a very good category with a score of 90. The effectiveness of the self-regulated learning model using the SAVI method obtained an N gain test value of 76.1 and a Cohen's d effect size test value of 1.63. This means that the learning model applied is in the effective category. After implementing the self-regulated learning model using the SAVI method, the learning anxiety experienced by students decreased and learning objectives could be achieved.