Development of Augmented Reality as a Learning Media to Improve Students' Understanding of Concepts on ATOM Materials
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This research aims to develop Augmented Reality as a learning medium to improve students' understanding of concepts in ATOM materials. This research uses the Research & Development (R&D) method with a 4D model consisting of 4 stages, namely: Define, Design, Develop, Dissemination. At the definition stage, an analysis of the needs of students is carried out for one of the materials. Then, at the development stage, Learning media and materials are made according to the design that has been designed and then validated by material experts and media experts. Then, an assessment was obtained from the validation of material experts with an average of 81% and the validation of media experts with an average of 87%. Then at the dissemination stage. Augmented Reality media was distributed to be used in one of the classes at MTsN 3 Kediri. In the Paired Sample T-Test, a sig value of 0.000 was obtained, which is much smaller than the significance level of α = 0.05. Therefore, the results obtained showed that there was a significant difference between the Pre-Test and Post-Test scores on students' understanding of concepts. Then, there is an N-Gain test with an N-Gain value of 73% with a high category.