Developing Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STREAM) Based Lectora Inspire Learning Medium on Basic Chemical Laws Lesson

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Ranum Revinda


This research aimed at developing chemistry learning media by using Lectora Inspire with STREAM approach and finding out validity and practicality of the media developed. Research and Development method was used in this research with DDR (Design and Development Research) model consisting of analysis, design, and evaluation steps. The instruments of collecting data were interviews, validity test questionnaire, practicality test, and student response. The samples were 15 students selected by using random sampling technique. The validation results showed that the percentages were 82.10% (very valid) by material experts and 70% (valid) by media experts. STREAM Based Lectora Inspire learning medium was appropriate to be used 94.38% (very practical) by practicality experts and 88.93% (very practical) by students. Based on the results obtained from validation and limited appropriateness tests conducted, STREAM Based Lectoria Inspire learning medium on Basic Chemical Laws lesson was appropriate to be used.

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