Experimental Design on Electrolyte and Non-Electrolyte Materials Based on Natural Materials in High Schools
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ABSTRACT. Limited laboratory facilities are often an obstacle in the implementation of practical activities in schools. One of them is the lack of chemical substances in the laboratory. Therefore, new innovations are needed in finding other materials and tools that can be used so that practical activities can still be carried out. This study seeks to develop innovations in the form of experiments on electrolyte and non-electrolyte materials using materials that are easily found in everyday life so that the implementation of the practicum does not depend on laboratory facilities. This study is a Research and Development (R & D) study, the research model used is according to Borg and Gall which is limited to the 5th stage, namely: the initial data collection stage to the initial product revision stage. The products of this research were validated by learning media experts, material experts, tested for practicality by chemistry subject teachers, and tested for student responses at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Pekanbaru. This study produces materials that exist in everyday life that can be utilized properly to support electrolyte and non-electrolyte experiments in high schools. The feasibility of chemical learning media in the form of experiments on electrolyte and non-electrolyte materials using natural materials and materials in everyday life is based on: (a) the material expert validator reached a percentage of 91.4% with very valid criteria, the media expert validator reached a percentage of 88% with very valid criteria; (b) The response of the chemistry teacher's assessment through the practicality test obtained a percentage of 89.4% with very practical criteria; (c) The response of class X students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Pekanbaru to the entire experiment on electrolyte and non-electrolyte materials based on natural materials and materials in everyday life, 80% stated that it was very good. Further research is needed to test the effectiveness of the product.
Keywords: Experiments, Electrolytes, Non-electrolytes, Natural Materials.
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