Integration of Islamic Values in a Weblog-Based Periodic System of Elements Material

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Elvi Yenti
Marini Nazliati
Yenni Kurniawati
Fitri Refelita
Kuncoro Hadi


This digital era has a major effect on the world of education, especially in the use of digital learning media and to be able to achieve an education system that unites science and Islamic values, innovations are needed that can make the two sciences harmonize. According to this latest research, digital-based learning media is the most researched among the technologies used in chemistry education. This research aimed at producing Weblog based learning media design and finding out appropriateness level and student response to the media. It was Research and Development (R&D) with 4-D development model. The research finding was Weblog learning media on Islamic Values integrated Periodic System of the Elements lesson. The validity level showed that a) the percentage by media expert validators was 87.5% with very valid criterion, the percentage by material expert validators was 97.5% with very valid criterion, the percentage by integration expert validators was 81.25% with very valid criterion, b) the percentage of Chemistry subject teacher assessment response through practicality test was 95% with very practical criterion, the percentage of the response of the tenth-grade student of MIA to the media was 87.33% with very good criterion.

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