The Effect of The Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Model on Student Self-Efficacy in Basic Chemical Laws

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Sofiyanita Sofiyanita
Elvi Kurnia Sari


This research aimed at finding out the effect of Problem Based Learning (PBL) model toward student self-efficacy on Basic Chemical Laws . Quantitative method was used in this research with quasy-experiment research and non-equivalent control group design, 221 students were the population of this research, the samples were 54 students consisting of 28 students in the experiment group and 28 students in the control group, and they were selected by using purposive sampling technique Questionnaire observation, and documentation were the techniques of collecting data. The technique of analyzing data was t-test (independent samples t-test) Based on the test, the score of significance (2-tailed) 0.027 was lower than 0.05, so He was rejected and H. was accepted It meant that there was a significant effect of PBL model toward student self-efficacy on Basic Chemical Laws.

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