Designing and Testing Three-Dimensional Wall Magazine Based  Chemistry Learning Media

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Yenni Kurniawati
Lintang Retno Anjani
Yunita Ardiyanti
Yoce Ferdiansyah


ABSTRACT. The obstacles experienced by students in the learning process constituted a backgroundof this research, and the obstacles were the limited learning media, the facilities and infrastructure in schools that were not optimal. This research aimed at knowing the validity and practicality levels of three-dimensional wall magazine-based chemistry learning media on Crude Oil lesson. It was Research and Development (R&D) with Borg and Gall model. This research was administered at State Islamic Senior High School 2 Kampar. The subjects of this research were the experts of three-dimensional wall magazine-based chemistry learning media design, the experts of learning material, and students at State Islamic Senior High School 2 Kampar. The object was threedimensional wall magazine-based chemistry learning media on Crude Oil lesson. The data were obtained directly form questionnaire. The instruments of collecting data werevalidity and practicality test questionnaires. The data obtained were analyzed by using qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis techniques. Three-dimensional wall magazine-based chemistry learning media developed was tested valid with the percentage 98% (very valid), and it was tested practical with the percentage 100% (very practical). Based on these findings, it could be concluded that three-dimensional wall magazine-based chemistry learning media on Crude Oil lesson was valid and practical, so the limited test could be carried out.

Keywords: Three-Dimensional Wall Magazine Based Chemistry Learning Media, Crude Oil

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