Development of a Teaching Module on Classification of Living Things Based on Biodiversity Analysis at Irenggolo Waterfall
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This research aims to develop a teaching module on the classification of living organisms to facilitate students' understanding of the subject. The study employs the Research & Development (R&D) method using the 4D model, which consists of four stages: Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. In the Define stage, the researcher conducts an initial analysis to identify problems in the teaching of science, specifically on the topic of classification of living organisms. In the Design stage, the researcher designs the teaching module that will be developed. During the Develop stage, the teaching media and materials are created according to the designed plan and are then validated by subject matter experts and media experts. In the Disseminate stage, the product is distributed through schools. The developed teaching module received a media validation score with a validity percentage of 72%, categorized as highly valid and suitable for use. The content validation showed a validity percentage of 96.7%, also categorized as highly valid and suitable for use. In addition to expert validation, the feasibility of the media was also assessed based on student response surveys, which showed a percentage of 94% with a criterion of highly suitable. Based on the reliability test results, it was found that the Cronbach's Alpha value was 0,651 with a total of 20 items tested. Since the Cronbach's Alpha value is greater than 0.60, it can be concluded that the research instrument has an adequate level of reliability and consistency in measuring the variables being studied variables.
Article Details
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