The Effectiveness of Multiple Intelligences Based Adobe Flash Professional CS6 Learning Media in Supporting Student Learning Achievement on Acid Base Lesson

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Yenni Kurniawati
Gita Nandari
Suci Rahmah Zalianti
Fitri Rosyidah Nur


The use of media to address educational challenges is crucial for tracking and facilitating students' diverse intelligences. One effective tool for this purpose is Adobe Flash Professional CS6. This study aimed to evaluate its effectiveness as a learning medium based on Multiple Intelligences in improving student performance in acid-base content among XI MS students at SMA Negeri Plus, Riau Province, during the 2019/2020 academic year. A Quasi-Experimental Design was employed, involving 58 students selected via purposive sampling. Data were gathered through pretests, posttests, and interviews.Results showed a significant difference in academic performance between experimental and control groups. The experimental group achieved a higher mean posttest score (93.82) compared to the control group (87.13). T-test analysis confirmed the significance of this difference (p = 0.000, less than 0.05), leading to the acceptance of Ha and rejection of Ho. The N-gain test further validated the effectiveness of Adobe Flash Professional CS6, with 86.2% of students in the experimental group achieving high N-gain scores and 13.7% achieving medium N-gain scores, categorizing the tool as effective in enhancing academic outcomes. However, optimizing the potential of students with multiple intelligences requires additional support from various dimensions to fully harness their capabilities.

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